"Serendipity - An unexpected discovery of something valuable." - where I penned down all my eccentric thoughts. A Xanadu to shout at maximun decibel and speak out everything going in mind of 22 year studying technology . There are google thoughts running...


Sunday, December 11, 2005

Moral Booster

hi friends,
Just find another intersting test on the spider web. Questioning test is very obvious phenomenon after glancing the result but they are really a moral booster. I am on cloud number 9. Well the few things I found true about myself are
z)You don't shy away from hard work, that's for sure.
y)You tend to dive into things headfirst and sort out the consequences
x)You are the one who has to make things happen.

After all, it's all about feeling good at what is being said

warrior for take the test

Here it goes my emulate persona...

Hello, Warrior.
Character Stats:
Rogue (6)
Warrior (17)
Wizard (13)
Paladin (15)

Your Profile:You're tough, courageous, and up to your eyebrows in chutzpah. If you're still in school, your teachers probably talk a lot about your "potential." If you work, your boss calls you a "pro-active self-starter," whatever that means. You don't shy away from hard work, that's for sure. When it comes to leisure, you'd rather be out hiking or biking or snowboarding than sitting around watching TV or reading a book. You care about your health, and have strong opinions.

Above all, you're a man of action and a born leader. You see obstacles as challenges and hardship as an opportunity to build your character (and your muscles). You're not afraid of conflict - in fact, you're not afraid of much of anything. You tend to dive into things headfirst and sort out the consequences later.

Your Mission:You were put on this earth to lead others. They will follow you, because they are bowled over by your forceful personality, your charisma, and your willingness to do what they're afraid to do. You are the one who has to make things happen, because everyone else is too afraid of rocking the boat.Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to Start Something. Something small, or something big. Start a club at your school. Propose a new project to your boss. Invent a new family tradition. Start a small business. Start SOMETHING.And don't dally about it. We WILL be checking up on you.

A Warning:Try to remember: it's not all about you. Yes, people tend to do what you say, but don't abuse that power. Don't be a bully, even if you feel like the weaklings really deserve it. Have a Paladin teach you how to "make nice" when necessary. You have the potential to become a great leader, but only if you curb your tendency to be thoughtless, egocentric, and well, sometimes just plain rude.And by the way, just because you don't understand something, that doesn't mean it's "stupid." Get a Wizard to figure things out for you instead of just giving up when your attention span runs out.


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